What is it like to work in the UAE ?

As in the UK, full-time employees typically work five eight-hour shifts every week. However, unlike the UK, the working week runs from Sunday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday are rest days. Working hours are reduced during Ramadan.

Private sector employees are entitled to 30 days of annual leave after one year in the job.

There are nine recognized public holidays in the UAE but some of these dates change every year, according to the sighting of the moon. National holidays include:

  • New Year’s Day (1 January)
  • Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj – Ascension Day
  • Eid Al Fitr
  • Arafat Day
  • Eid Al Adha – Feast of Sacrifice
  • Al Hijri – Islamic New Year
  • Birthday of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
  • Commemoration Day
  • National Day.

The exact number of holiday days given depends on whether the Islamic festival of Eid falls during the working week or the weekend.

You don’t pay income tax on your earnings in the UAE. 

Source :prospects